Saturday, 26 December 2009

First blog and bit of info about me

My name is Kirsty, I'm 24 and have been studying the Early Years Professional Status (Full Pathway) with BA Hons in Early Years since late September 2009.

For anyone who isn't aware of the Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) it is status recognised to be the equivalient to Qualified Teacher Status for the Early Years Sector, following the introduction of the Early Years Foundation Stage in 2007 (implemented 2008) and the every child matters document, the government, by 2010 intends there to be 1 Early Years Professional (EYP) in each children's centre (in some children's centres there will be a requiset of at least 2 EYP's and by 2015 all early years settings in england should have an EYP.

For those who achieve EYPS it confirms that the professional has met a set of standards as well as confirming their prior skills, abilities and knowledge along with new skills such as leadership which is not necessary been provided for in previous education schemes. There are 4 different pathways available to access the EYPS and they are available in various institutions in England, some of which provide with the EYPS an hons degree (Such as the one I'm doing) or a Post graduate certificate.

The main reason why I am doing is this blog is to assist in my reflection of course work, placement and any relevant tasks and reviews to assist me in meeting the standards criteria as well as helping me to remember aspects of the course.