Sunday, 2 September 2012

TES Resource show 2011

I am one of these people who enjoys going to various different education exhibitions (and not just for the freebies) but some of the stalls also are great for getting ideas for activities and displays. 

This stall in particular was interesting to me as I have been looking into how we can introduce more natural resources/forest school approaches (without the forest) into the nursery. At this moment I can't remember to name of the company however will update this post once I do.

 The resources were very innovative and adaptable for most ages and abilities. 

We were told that the fire pit was safe to use almost anywhere due to its stand and was a great alternative to building a natural camp fire.

I really liked what they did on the 3 little pigs which I then used in the setting. The children collected sticks from the local gardens to make their stick house, instead of bricks we used stones and hay for our straw house. The pictures of our display on the 3 little pigs should be up soon.

They also showed how easy it is to make a den using some fabric and sticks, having seen the difference putting a cover on a corner or a small area of the room to children's play and the use of the area. I thought it was a brilliant way to show how even a small space when changed could be effective.

 The next TES Resource show is taking place at the Business Design Centre, Islington on the 14th & 15th September 2012 for more information

a few weeks after is the TES Special Educational Needs show which is also taking place at the Business Design Centre, Islington on the 12th &13th October 2012 for more information 

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